Our ushers and greeters are generally the first faces that people encounter when arriving for Mass. This is a vital ministry of hospitality and welcome to those who may be new to our community or may require assistance at Mass. This ministry also facilitates our collections and offertory, as well as distributing our bulletins at the end of Mass.
Altar servers assist the priest and deacon at Mass. This ministry is open to anyone who has completed their sacraments of initiation and is in fourth grade or above.
Those who proclaim the Word of God brings sacred Scripture to life in our midst. The words of the Law and the prophets become for us living signs of God´s promise to every age. This ministry is open to all who have completed their sacraments of initiation.
Sacristans are those who help prepare the church for Mass on weekends and holy days. They care for the Sacred Vessels and elements necessary for the Sacraments, ensuring that all positions for ministry are filled, and monitor supplies for the Liturgy. Sacristans help keep the Sacristy in good order. This role is open to all adults.
Provides music for enhancing the Liturgy and leading the congregation in singing and praising Our Lord. We have a choir and Cantors to solo and lead the choir in singing at each Mass. We have a contemporary music group, "The Carpenters", that provide the music one weekend a month. Contact Marie if you are interested in singing or playing a musical instrument.